GPS Ltd is an anatomic pathology laboratory in Trinidad and Tobago.
We provide a host of Anatomic Pathology services including histology, cytology and immunohistochemistry processing and interpretation. We also provide molecular and flow cytometry testing via our partner labs. Our team includes U.S. Board-Certified Anatomic and Clinical Pathologists (AP/CP) who have completed advanced fellowship training and histotechnologists with decades of experience. Their expertise ensures the highest standards of diagnostic accuracy and care for our clients.
We offer a comprehensive panel of diagnostic services at GPS. Our aim is to ensure that both patient and doctor are well informed and well served. Click below for detail on what we offer and simple descriptions of what can seem like complicated processes.
Test Menu Click here for comprehensive list of our services, including biopsy and surgical specimen evaluation, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and molecular diagnostics.
Women’s Health
We offer conventional and liquid based pap smears along with STI co-testing. We also provide review of biopsies and resections of breast lesions with subsequent Oncotype Dx testing if cancer is found.
Intra-Operative Consultations
For fine needle aspirations or even fine needle biopsies, you may be concerned about specimen adequacy, appropriate triage of specimens (for culture or flow cytometry) or even a real time diagnosis (malignant versus benign). Rapid On-Site Evaluation can answer all of these questions. Given the literal and figurative costs of repeat samples, a ROSE can save you both time and money.
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The Frozen Section is a century old procedure presumably achieved on a window ledge in wintery Minnesota in the 1920’s. The aim of this tissue freezing process is to provide a rapid diagnosis while the patient is on the operating table.
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